As I sat and wrote the first draft of this post back in the winter of 2013, looking out of the windows and seeing the freezing rain blanketing the ground, I envisioned what it will be like a few years later in some tropical paradise on my boat with my family.
It was such an amazing thing to dream.
To wonder what we will see or experience that might have seemed out of our reach back then.
Some people are natural dreamers, floating off to distant places in a mind’s eye, where others struggle to let go of reality and the limitations they place on themselves.
I searched around for a good definition of a dreamer and liked this one best.
dream•er (ˈdri mər) n.
- a person who dreams.
- an impractical or unrealistic person.
- a person who has bold or highly speculative ideas or plans; visionary.
Random House Kernerman Webster’s College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
What I like most about this definition is that you can be impractical and unrealistic but at the same time ‘be visionary’. It all depends on the person and what happens next.
Now I am not going to get all ‘Freud’ on you but what I am trying to say, without being too cliché, is that you can own your dreams and allow them to happen if you turn the dream into a plan and turn the plan into action.
Let’s look at my own dream!
I want to circumnavigate the globe, under sail, with my family, on a comfortable boat and have many adventures, experiences and allow my kids to experience the world for themselves.
Some of you will automatically place limitations on a dream like this.
- A circumnavigation is no place for kids!
- I couldn’t afford to do that!
- My wife/husband would never go for something like that!
- I don’t know how to sail!
- I get seasick!
Others will immediately drift away in their minds to warm breezes, the smell of salt on the air, deserted pristine beaches with campfires at sunset, catching your own food, a family at peace, a husband and wife truly in love.
There is always a balance between dreams and reality but if you want it badly enough and come up with a great plan to make it happen. All that is left is to follow it through.
So that’s it! That is what this website is all about. I’ve had the dream for some time and I want to share with you where we are going next.
Over the next few years, we will show you how we did it.
How my family and I broke away from the conventional life and cast off into the wild blue yonder to experience amazing things together, make new and interesting friends and turn our dreams into reality.
What are you dreaming of now!
I really hope you enjoyed my first ever blog post. It was fun to resurrect this to be one of the first posts on our new family site where we are actually following through with our dream.
Please share your sailing dream below. You never know, someone might read your comment who can make a difference and help you achieve it.